Error 404 Not Found



(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /ads.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
7 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
8 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
9 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
10 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
11 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
14 animateur_index_admin /animateur Path does not match
15 animateur_show /animateur/show/{id} Path does not match
16 animateur_new /animateur/new Path does not match
17 animateur_edit /animateur/edit/{id} Path does not match
18 send_infos_animateur /sendInfosFinalisationCompteAnimateur/{tokenMdp} Path does not match
19 finalisation_compte_animateur /finalisation_compte_animateur/{id} Path does not match
20 animateur_delete /animateur/desactivate_activate/{id} Path does not match
21 app_annulation_index /annulation/ Path does not match
22 app_annulation_show /annulation/{id} Path does not match
23 app_annulation_delete /annulation/{id} Path does not match
24 app_annulation_delete_multi /annulation/delete Path does not match
25 app_annulation_validation /annulation/validation/{id} Path does not match
26 app_annulation_detail_paiements_commande /annulation/detail-paiements-commande/{id} Path does not match
27 app_annulation_remboursement /annulation/remboursement/{id} Path does not match
28 app_paiements_plusieurs_fois /annulation/annulation/{id}/paiements Path does not match
29 app_annulation_paiement_plusieurs_fois /annulation/paiement/{orderId}/annulation/{id} Path does not match
30 app_annulation_validation_mail /annulation/mail2/{id} Path does not match
31 app_annulation_remboursement_mail /annulation/mail3/{id} Path does not match
32 avoir_index /avoir Path does not match
33 avoir_index_admin /avoirs Path does not match
34 interconnexion_basicompta /interconnexion-basicompta Path does not match
35 app_basicompta_autorisation /basicompta/autorisation Path does not match
36 suppression_interconnexion_basicompta /interconnexion-basicompta/suppression Path does not match
37 basicompta_renvoi_commande /envoi-basicompta/{id} Path does not match
38 delete_envoi_basicompta /{id} Path almost matches, but Requirement for "id" does not match (\d+)
39 deleteMulti_envoi_basicompta /multi-delete-envoi-basicompta Path does not match
40 categorie_index /categorie/ Path does not match
41 categorie_new /categorie/new Path does not match
42 categorie_show /categorie/{id} Path does not match
43 categorie_edit /categorie/{id}/edit Path does not match
44 categorie_delete /categorie/{id} Path does not match
45 categorie_delete_multi /categorie/delete Path does not match
46 commande_index /commande Path does not match
47 commande_paiement /commande/paiement/{id} Path does not match
48 commande_reductions /commande/reductions/{id} Path does not match
49 commande_show /commande/{id} Path does not match
50 commande_user_index /commande-user/ Path does not match
51 commande_user_show /commande-user/{id} Path does not match
52 commande_annulation_admin /commande/annulation-admin/{id} Path does not match
53 commande_annulation_user /commande/annulation-user/{id} Path does not match
54 envoi_lien_paiement /commande/envoi-lien-paiement/{id} Path does not match
55 activation-lien-paiement /commande/activation-lien-paiement/{idLienPaiement}/{type}/{activer} Path does not match
56 contactez_nous /contactez-nous Path does not match
57 coordonnees_index /coordonnees/ Path does not match
58 coordonnees_new /coordonnees/new Path does not match
59 coordonnees_show /coordonnees/{id} Path does not match
60 coordonnees_edit /coordonnees/{id}/edit Path does not match
61 coordonnees_hebergement_new /coordonnees/new-coordonnees-hebergement Path does not match
62 coordonnees_delete /coordonnees/{id} Path does not match
63 coordonnees_delete_multi /coordonnees/delete Path does not match
64 decoupage_presence_index /gestion-presences Path does not match
65 app_gestion_presences /app-gestion-presences/{archive} Path does not match
66 decoupage_presence_restaurer /gestion-presences/restaurer/{id} Path does not match
67 decoupage_presence_restaurer_reservation /gestion-presences/restaurer-reservation/{id} Path does not match
68 changer_statut_presence /changer-statut-presence/{type_id} Path does not match
69 presence_ajout_arrivee /gestion-presences/arrivee/{type}/{id} Path does not match
70 presence_ajout_depart /gestion-presences/depart/{type}/{id} Path does not match
71 presence_modif_horaires /gestion-presences/horaires/{type}/{id} Path does not match
72 marquer_absent_multi /marquer-absent-multi Path does not match
73 presence_heure_arrivee_multi /signaler-arrivees Path does not match
74 presence_heure_arrivee_multi_validation /signaler-arrivees-validation Path does not match
75 presence_heure_depart_multi /signaler-departs Path does not match
76 presence_heure_depart_multi_validation /signaler-departs-validation Path does not match
77 presence_ojd /ojd Path does not match
78 enfants_admin_index /gestion-enfants/ Path does not match
79 enfant_admin_show /gestion-enfants/{id} Path does not match
80 enfant_admin_edit /gestion-enfants/{id}/edit Path does not match
81 enfant_delete_admin /gestion-enfants/{id} Path does not match
82 verifEnfantExistantAdmin /gestion-enfants/verifEnfantExistant/{id} Path does not match
83 enfant_index /ma-famille/ Path does not match
84 enfant_new /ma-famille/new Path does not match
85 enfant_edit /ma-famille/{id}/edit Path does not match
86 enfant_delete /ma-famille/{id} Path does not match
87 verifEnfantExistant /ma-famille/verifEnfantExistant Path does not match
88 mire /helloasso/mire Path does not match
89 flow /helloasso/flow Path does not match
90 disconnect /helloasso/disconnect Path does not match
91 helloasso_checkout_error /helloasso/erreur_paiement_panier Path does not match
92 helloasso_checkout_return /helloasso/retour_paiement Path does not match
93 helloasso_checkout_return_lien /helloasso/retour_lien_paiement Path does not match
94 helloasso_notifications /helloasso/notifications Path does not match
95 lien_paiement_helloasso /helloasso/lienPaiement/{id} Path does not match
96 info_hebergement_index /info_hebergement/ Path does not match
97 info_hebergement_new /info_hebergement/new Path does not match
98 info_hebergement_show /info_hebergement/{id} Path does not match
99 info_hebergement_edit /info_hebergement/{id}/edit Path does not match
100 info_hebergement_delete /info_hebergement/{id} Path does not match
101 info_hebergement_delete_multi /info_hebergement/delete Path does not match
102 listUser_index /liste-utilisateurs/ Path does not match
103 submitEnvoiMailPersonnalise /liste-utilisateurs/submitFormEnvoiMailPersonnalise Path does not match
104 listUser_new /liste-utilisateurs/new Path does not match
105 listUser_edit /liste-utilisateurs/{id}/edit Path does not match
106 listUser_desactivate /liste-utilisateurs/{id} Path does not match
107 listUser_sendEmail_id /liste-utilisateurs/{id}/sendEmail Path does not match
108 listUser_valideQF_id /liste-utilisateurs/{id}/valideQF Path does not match
109 listUser_valideQFMulti /liste-utilisateurs/valideQFMulti Path does not match
110 listUser_invalideQF_id /liste-utilisateurs/{id}/invalideQF Path does not match
111 listUser_invalideQFMulti /liste-utilisateurs/invalideQFMulti Path does not match
112 listUser_desactivate_multi /liste-utilisateurs/desactivate Path does not match
113 send_infos_compte /liste-utilisateurs/sendInfosCompte/{tokenMdp} Path does not match
114 confirm_mail_user /liste-utilisateurs/{id} Path does not match
115 listeAttente_success_commande /liste-d-attente/success-commande/{id}/{admin} Path does not match
116 listeAttente_cancel_commande /liste-d-attente/cancel-commande/{id} Path does not match
117 listeAttente_index_admin /liste-d-attente Path does not match
118 listeAttente_bascule_inscrit /liste-d-attente/{type}/{id} Path does not match
119 listeAttente_delete_inscrit /liste-d-attente/delete/{id}/{type} Path does not match
120 liste_attente_delete_multi /delete Path does not match
121 app_home / Path does not match
122 indexSousCatId /indexSousCat/{id} Path does not match
123 indexSejourId /ma-categorie/{id} Path does not match
124 nbReservations /nbReservations Path does not match
125 nbQFInvalide /nbQFInvalide Path does not match
126 nbAnnulationsAGerer /nbAnnulationsAGerer Path does not match
127 pastilleListeAttente /pastilleListeAttente Path does not match
128 lien_paiement_stripe_validation /lien_paiement_stripe_validation/{idLienPaiement} Path does not match
129 lancement_campagne /lancement-campagne Path does not match
130 desabonnement_campagne /desabonnement-campagne/{id} Path does not match
131 tarifications /tarifications Path does not match
132 maj-nb-places /majNbPlaces/{id} Path does not match
133 mdp_oublie /resetpassword Path does not match
134 send_password /sendpassword/{tokenMdp} Path does not match
135 modification_password_id /modification-password/{id} Path does not match
136 paiement /paiement/ Path does not match
137 checkout /paiement/checkout Path does not match
138 success_url /paiement/success-url/{id} Path does not match
139 cancel_url /paiement/cancel-url/{id} Path does not match
140 parametrage_general /parametrage/general Path does not match
141 parametrage_general_sa /parametrage/general/{database} Path does not match
142 parametrage_mailjet /parametrage/mailjet Path does not match
143 parametrage_mailjet_sa /parametrage/mailjet/{database} Path does not match
144 parametrage_tarifs /parametrage/tarifs Path does not match
145 parametrage_tarifs_sa /parametrage/tarifs/{database} Path does not match
146 parametrage_options /parametrage/options Path does not match
147 parametrage_options_sa /parametrage/options/{database} Path does not match
148 parametrage_reservations /parametrage/reservations Path does not match
149 parametrage_reservations_sa /parametrage/reservations/{database} Path does not match
150 parametrage_paiement /parametrage/paiement Path does not match
151 parametrage_paiement_sa /parametrage/paiement/{database} Path does not match
152 parametrage_presences /parametrage/presences Path does not match
153 parametrage_presences_sa /parametrage/presences/{database} Path does not match
154 parametrage_fermetures /parametrage/fermetures Path does not match
155 parametrage_fermetures_sa /parametrage/fermetures/{database} Path does not match
156 fermeture_new /parametrage/new Path does not match
157 fermeture_new_sa /parametrage/new/database/{database} Path does not match
158 fermeture_edit /parametrage/{id}/edit Path does not match
159 fermeture_edit_sa /parametrage/{id}/edit/database/{database} Path does not match
160 fermeture_delete /parametrage/suppression/{id} Path does not match
161 fermeture_delete_sa /parametrage/suppression/{id}/database/{database} Path does not match
162 fermetures_delete_multi /parametrage/delete Path does not match
163 fermetures_delete_multi_sa /parametrage/delete/database/{database} Path does not match
164 parametrage_champs /parametrage/champs-personnalises Path does not match
165 parametrage_champs_sa /parametrage/champs-personnalises/{database} Path does not match
166 parametrage_get_plaforme_keys /parametrage/get-plateforme-keys Path does not match
167 facture_non_pdf /facture/{id} Path does not match
168 facture_pdf /facture/{id}/{pdf} Path does not match
169 fiche_enfant_non_pdf /fiche-enfant/{type}/{id} Path does not match
170 fiche_enfant_pdf /fiche-enfant/{type}/{id}/{pdf} Path does not match
171 fiches_enfants_non_pdf /fiches-enfants Path does not match
172 fiches_enfants_pdf /fiches-enfants/{pdf} Path does not match
173 facture_avoir_non_pdf /facture-avoir/{id} Path does not match
174 facture_avoir_pdf /facture-avoir/{id}/{pdf} Path does not match
175 attestation_presence_non_pdf /attestation-presence/{id} Path does not match
176 attestation_presence_pdf /attestation-presence/{id}/{pdf} Path does not match
177 index_planning_activites /planning/ Path does not match
178 planning_activites /planning/activites Path does not match
179 animateur_planning /planning/planning/{id} Path does not match
180 animateur_index_planning /planning/{id} Path does not match
181 profile_modification /profil/modification Path does not match
182 profile_modification_password /profil/modification-password Path does not match
183 suppression_id /profil/suppression/{id} Path does not match
184 quotient_familial /quotient-familial/ Path does not match
185 modificationqf /quotient-familial/modificationqf/{id} Path does not match
186 ajouttarif1 /quotient-familial/ajouttarif1 Path does not match
187 supprimerQf /quotient-familial/supprimerQf/{id} Path does not match
188 confidentialite /confidentialite Path does not match
189 mentionsLegales /mentions-legales Path does not match
190 CGV /ConditionsGeneralesDeServices Path does not match
191 politiqueCookies /politiqueCookies Path does not match
192 app_regle_reduction_index /reduction/ Path does not match
193 app_regle_reduction_index_sa /reduction/database/{database} Path does not match
194 app_regle_reduction_new /reduction/new Path does not match
195 app_regle_reduction_new_sa /reduction/new/database/{database} Path does not match
196 app_regle_reduction_show /reduction/{id} Path does not match
197 app_regle_reduction_show_sa /reduction/{id}/database/{database} Path does not match
198 app_regle_reduction_edit /reduction/{id}/edit Path does not match
199 app_regle_reduction_edit_sa /reduction/{id}/edit/database/{database} Path does not match
200 app_regle_reduction_delete /reduction/suppression/{id} Path does not match
201 app_regle_reduction_delete_sa /reduction/suppression/{id}/database/{database} Path does not match
202 app_regle_reduction_archive /reduction/archivage/{id} Path does not match
203 app_regle_reduction_archive_sa /reduction/archivage/{id}/database/{database} Path does not match
204 app_regle_reduction_restauration /reduction/restauration/{id} Path does not match
205 app_regle_reduction_restauration_sa /reduction/restauration/{id}/database/{database} Path does not match
206 app_register /register Path does not match
207 confirm_mail /confirmationmail/{token} Path does not match
208 finalize_registration_id /finaliserCreationCompte/{id} Path does not match
209 reservations_admin_index /reservations/ Path does not match
210 reservations_admin_editChamp /reservationsedit/{id}/{idUser} Path does not match
211 reservations_admin_show /reservations/{id}/{idUser} Path does not match
212 reservations_admin_show_creneaux /reservations/creneaux/{id}/{idU} Path does not match
213 reservations_admin_delete /reservations/{id} Path does not match
214 reservations_admin_edit /reservations/{id}/{idUser}/admin-edit/{listeAttente} Path does not match
215 new_user /reservations/new-user Path does not match
216 new_enfant /reservations/new-enfant/{idUser} Path does not match
217 reservation_valider_multi /reservations/validerMulti Path does not match
218 reservation_activite_retour /reservation/activites/{idActivite} Path does not match
219 reservation_activite /reservation/activites Path does not match
220 reservation_utilisateur_retour /reservation/{idActivite}/utilisateur-retour/{idUser} Path does not match
221 reservation_utilisateur /reservation/{idActivite}/utilisateur Path does not match
222 activite_reservation_utilisateur /reservation/activite/{idActivite}/utilisateur Path does not match
223 reservation_utilisateur_enfant /reservation/{idActivite}/utilisateur/{idUser} Path does not match
224 reservation_utilisateur_enfant_retour /reservation/{idActivite}/enfant-retour/{idEnfant}/utilisateur/{idUser} Path does not match
225 reservation_enfant /reservation/{idActivite} Path does not match
226 reservation_enfant_retour /reservation/{idActivite}/enfant/{idEnfant} Path does not match
227 enfant_infos /reservation/personnes_infos/{idActivite}/{idEnfant} Path does not match
228 enfant_infos_sejours /reservation/personnes_infos/{idReservation} Path does not match
229 choix_options_sejour /reservation/choix-options/{id}/ Path does not match
230 reservation_creneau /reservation/creneaux/{idActivite}/{idEnfant} Path does not match
231 fiche_sanitaire /reservation/fiche-sanitaire/{id} Path does not match
232 reservation_champs /reservation/reservation/{id}/champs Path does not match
233 reservation_justificatifs /reservation/justificatifs/{id} Path does not match
234 panier2 /reservation/panier Path does not match
235 reservation_panier /reservation/panier/activite/{idActivite} Path does not match
236 verifPanier /reservation/panier/verificationPanier/{ajax} Path does not match
237 reservation_delete /reservation/delete/{id} Path does not match
238 reservation_delete_panier /reservation/delete/panier/{id} Path does not match
239 reservation_paiement /reservation/paiement/{id}/{displaySelect} Path does not match
240 reservation_paiement_activite /reservation/paiement/{id}/activite/{idActivite}/{displaySelect} Path does not match
241 reservation_user_index /mes-reservations/ Path does not match
242 reservation_user_show /mes-reservations/{id} Path does not match
243 reservation_user_delete /mes-reservations/{id} Path does not match
244 reservation_user_edit /mes-reservations/{id}/edit Path does not match
245 app_forgot_password_request /reset-password Path does not match
246 app_check_email /reset-password/check-email Path does not match
247 app_reset_password /reset-password/reset/{token} Path does not match
248 search /search Path does not match
249 app_login /login Path does not match
250 app_logout /logout Path does not match
251 access_denied_403 /access-denied Path does not match
252 cookies /cookies Path does not match
253 activite_index /activite/ Path does not match
254 activite_new /activite/new Path does not match
255 activite_show /activite/{id} Path does not match
256 activite_edit /activite/{id}/edit Path does not match
257 activite_delete /activite/{id} Path does not match
258 activite_publier /activite/publier/{id} Path does not match
259 activite_archiver /activite/archiver/{id} Path does not match
260 activite_brouillon /activite/brouillon/{id} Path does not match
261 activite_restaurer /activite/restaurer/{id} Path does not match
262 activite_delete_multi /activite/delete Path does not match
263 activite_duplicate /activite/dupliquer/{id} Path does not match
264 changer_statut_archive_activite_multi /activite/changer-statut-archive-activite-multi Path does not match
265 verif_nb_places_prises /activite/verif/nb-places-prises Path does not match
266 statistiques_activites /statistiques/activites Path does not match
267 statistiques_annulations /statistiques/annulations Path does not match
268 statistiques_commandes /statistiques/commandes Path does not match
269 statistiques_enfants /statistiques/enfants Path does not match
270 statistiques_presences /statistiques/presences Path does not match
271 statistiques_reservations /statistiques/reservations Path does not match
272 statistiques_utilisateurs /statistiques/utilisateurs Path does not match
273 bilan_caf /statistiques/bilan-caf Path does not match
274 statistiques_activites_export /statistiques/activites/export Path does not match
275 statistiques_annulation_export /statistiques/annulations/export Path does not match
276 statistiques_commande_export /statistiques/commandes/export Path does not match
277 statistiques_enfant_export /statistiques/enfants/export Path does not match
278 statistiques_presence_export /statistiques/presences/export Path does not match
279 statistiques_reservations_export /statistiques/reservations/export Path does not match
280 statistiques_utilisateurs_export /statistiques/utilisateurs/export Path does not match
281 stat_indexBis /statistiques/annee/{year} Path does not match
282 stat_indexBis2 /statistiques/annee/{year}/{database} Path does not match
283 stat_index /statistiques/ Path does not match
284 stat_index_sa /statistiques/{database} Path does not match
285 stripe /stripe/webhook Path does not match
286 app_site_index /superadmin/ Path does not match
287 app_superadmin_home /superadmin/ Path does not match
288 app_site_new /superadmin/site/new Path does not match
289 app_site_show /superadmin/site/{id} Path does not match
290 app_site_edit /superadmin/site/{id}/edit Path does not match
291 app_site_delete /superadmin/site/{id} Path does not match
292 app_details_site /superadmin/details/{id} Path does not match
293 superadmin_user_index /superadmin/utilisateurs/{database} Path does not match
294 superadmin_user_new /superadmin/utilisateurs/{database}/new Path does not match
295 superadmin_user_edit /superadmin/utilisateurs/{database}/edit/{id} Path does not match
296 superadmin_user_desactivate /superadmin/utilisateur/{database}/{id} Path does not match
297 tarif_index /tarif/ Path does not match
298 tarif_new /tarif/new Path does not match
299 tarif_show /tarif/{id} Path does not match
300 tarif_edit /tarif/{id}/edit Path does not match
301 tarif_delete /tarif/{id} Path does not match
302 tarif_delete_multi /tarif/delete Path does not match
303 type_duree_index /typeDuree/ Path does not match
304 type_duree_new /typeDuree/new Path does not match
305 type_duree_show /typeDuree/{id} Path does not match
306 type_duree_edit /typeDuree/{id}/edit Path does not match
307 type_duree_delete /typeDuree/{id} Path does not match
308 type_duree_delete_multi /typeDuree/delete Path does not match
309 type_justificatif_index /typeJustificatif/ Path does not match
310 type_justificatif_new /typeJustificatif/new Path does not match
311 type_justificatif_show /typeJustificatif/{id} Path does not match
312 type_justificatif_edit /typeJustificatif/{id}/edit Path does not match
313 type_justificatif_delete /typeJustificatif/{id} Path does not match
314 type_justificatif_delete_multi /typeJustificatif/delete Path does not match
315 variables_index /variables/ Path does not match
316 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
317 liip_imagine_filter_runtime /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path} Path does not match
318 liip_imagine_filter /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path} Path does not match
319 ux_entity_autocomplete /autocomplete/{alias} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.